Wednesday 18 July 2012

The Truth of Life-A Poem

There were clouds, so dark and threatening
Hung around the sky, inviting gloominess
Posing as if the world is doomed with darkness
It could be a sign of threat, yet in reality, it may not be
All the threat in life is not real, just a warning
Making the mankind to realize the place, where he is
A threat is no more a threat with its right approach
Make every threat, an opportunity to realize and act upon

When the darkness of the clouds brings more darkness
It suddenly showers, resultant into rain, you see!
The sudden downpour of rain brings good news
By driving the dark clouds and bringing sunshine in its place

Happiness and sadness are much closer in our life
Turn your sadness to happiness through your wisdom
Isolate and drive the sadness to make your life happy
Make your life a Heaven, its with in you, know this truth!

A Poem by Martins Senibo

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